API 580 Sample Questions | Free Practice Test

API 580 sample questions

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Question 1 of 20

1. What are the most common types of POF Analysis?

Question 1 of 20

Question 2 of 20

2. Detailed information and data is needed for a quantitative RBI in order to?

Question 2 of 20

Question 3 of 20

3. Which one of the following is NOT an example of the invasive inspection that can cause deterioration?

Question 3 of 20

Question 4 of 20

4. Risk Based Inspection reassessment is not necessarily needed when:

Question 4 of 20

Question 5 of 20

5. Documented mitigation plan includes all except:

Question 5 of 20

Question 6 of 20

6. What are the minimum qualifications for contractor personnel implementing RBI?

Question 6 of 20

Question 7 of 20

7. RBI assessment type is selected on the basis of:

Question 7 of 20

Question 8 of 20

8. Which failure is distinct to loss of containment:

Question 8 of 20

Question 9 of 20

9. RBI re-assessment is conducted primarily to:

Question 9 of 20

Question 10 of 20

10. RBI plans to serve as a substitute for:

Question 10 of 20

Question 11 of 20

11. In an RBI, who has primary responsibility?

Question 11 of 20

Question 12 of 20

12. When units are screened, the most important input is:

Question 12 of 20

Question 13 of 20

13. Probability of failure analysis should address:

Question 13 of 20

Question 14 of 20

14. The aspect of risk assessment common to most types and levels of RBI are:

Question 14 of 20

Question 15 of 20

15. Which of the following statements is correct with regards to RBI sensitivity analysis:

Question 15 of 20

Question 16 of 20

16. RBI emphasizes safe and reliable operation through:

Question 16 of 20

Question 17 of 20

17. Ultimately, RBI should correlate the risk with;

Question 17 of 20

Question 18 of 20

18. The RBI assessment should be able to:

Question 18 of 20

Question 19 of 20

19. How does the ISO Risk Line help with inspection planning?

Question 19 of 20

Question 20 of 20

20. When equipment has deteriorated to such an extent that risk of failure can’t be managed to an acceptable level, the only way to mitigate risk is:

Question 20 of 20



There are four definite leads to help you understand what type of questions to expect during examination. These are:

  • API RP 580 Risk-based Inspection, Third Edition, Feb. 2016
  • Experience of other candidates who attempted the exam
  • Mock exam questions
  • Exam Score Report (showing the areas where you are scored against)


Area of examination

You are scored for your performance in the following areas during the examination:

  • Purpose and Scope
  • Risk Determination, Assessment, Management and Reassessment through Inspection and Other Activities
  • Determining and Assessing Damage Mechanisms, Failure Modes, POF and COF
  • Personnel and Documentation
  • Risk Assessment and RBI
  • Planning and Data \ Information Collection for RBI


The API 580 Risk Based Inspection certification exam tests the individual’s knowledge and expertise in the field of Risk Based Inspection.


[su_box title=”Our suggestion for you” style=”bubbles” box_color=”#0213eb” radius=”10″][su_button url=”https://inspector-training.com/course/api-580-risk-based-inspection/” style=”3d” background=”#0e76a8″ color=”#ffffff” size=”7″ radius=”10″ icon=”icon: graduation-cap”]API 580 Risk Based Inspection | Full Course[/su_button] [su_divider top=”no” style=”dashed”] [su_button url=”https://inspector-training.com/course/api-580-mock-exam-package/” style=”3d” background=”#0e76a8″ color=”#ffffff” size=”7″ radius=”10″ icon=”icon: graduation-cap”]API 580 Mock Exam Package[/su_button][/su_box]


You shall be able to:

  • Planning the RBI Assessment.
  • Data and Information Collection.
  • Assessing Probability of Failure.
  • Assessing Consequence of Failure.
  • Risk Determination, Assessment and Management.
  • Risk Management with Inspection Activities.
  • Other Risk Mitigation Activities.
  • Reassessment and Updating.
  • Roles, Responsibilities, Training and Qualifications.
  • Documentation and record-keeping.


How the API 580 exam questions developed? 

A question writing session is periodically conducted by Subject Matter Experts (SME’s), or individuals who specialize in pressure vessels, write questions from specific sections of the Code.  Each question is then checked by three other SME’s.


This validation exercise answers two questions;

  1. Is the question written clearly?
  2. Does the question cover knowledge that is important to a vessel inspector?

These questions then go into a question data-bank as non scored exam questions.


Presently there are over 500 questions in the data-bank and are grouped by topics.  For each examination, there are 80 questions on the exam pulled from area of Examination (see above). Only 70 Questions are scored. The remaining 10 are pre-test questions and not marked towards your score, that is, these pre-test questions do not affect your score whether you have answered them correctly or not. API does not tell you which ones these questions are.

Note: Starting with the August 2021 window, there will be 90 questions, of which only 80 are scored.


API needs to ensure that these questions are not significantly challenged by the candidates and have also been answered by a reasonable number of candidates before adding them to their question bank as scored questions.


No Negative Marking

The pass mark is roughly 70% for all the API examinations. No negative marking is applied. Therefore, make sure that you have answered all the questions. At the end, click the ‘’review all’’ button and peruse through the list to ensure that you have not skipped any question. You can also check ‘’review incomplete questions’’ to ensure there is nothing on the list, that is, no question left unanswered.

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