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The  manufacturer is  responsible  for  the  quality  of   their  products,  which includes  not  only  good  workmanship,  but  also  compliance  with codes,  standards  and  specifications noted within purchase order.


This is regardless of whether the manufacturer has made the components and equipment himself or subcontracted it.


The inspector is responsible for performing the quality surveillance activities at the Supplier facility in accordance with the applicable ITP.


The inspector should ensure that:

  • Manufacturer & Fabricator has a documented method describing how to perform the work.
  • Supplier/vendor personnel have proof of training and qualifications
  • Supplier/vendor personnel performing the work have access to the relevant procedures. For example, welders have access to the WPS or welding instruction. NDE personnel have access to the approved NDE procedures.
  • The acceptance criteria comply with the project specification or the applicable codes and standards.
  • The results are documented
  • Rework and repair is approved by client and verified by the Inspector.



Continuous Improvement:

At the completion of the inspection activities; a PDCA cycle (plan, do, check, act) review is taken as part of a continuous improvement program to determine which activities went well and where improvements should be made.


Any such system improvements should be documented and presented to the inspection manager and coordinator for implementation.

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