Exam tip 1
There is no negative marking; therefore, it is advisable to answer all the questions.
You can increase your chances by narrowing down the possible correct answers by striking off the obvious wrong choices.
Hold the mouse on possible wrong answers and right click.
This would strike them off helping you to concentrate on the remaining possible answers.
Exam tip 2
All API questions are multi choice (4 possible answers).
API never uses terms such as ‘’ none of the above’ or ‘all of the above’ as possible answer.
Exam tip 3
Remember that all questions carry equal mark. For example, a simple question asking for symbol of Magnesium (Mg) or Manganese (Mn) has equal mark as that of a half a page long question.
Exam tip 4
Although, time management should not be an issue but keep a tab of time versus number of questions answered.
Remaining time versus question No. can be found on top right hand side of your computer screen during the exam.
Exam tip 5
Set aside some time (15 - 30 minutes) for reviewing all the questions once again or at least reviewing those questions that you are in doubt and flagged off.Â
Exam tip 6
It is recommended to flag off those questions that are taking considerable time and come back to them at the end.
Note: there is a flag off bottom below each question.
Exam tip 7
When solving the doubtful questions, try to understand as why a particular answer may be right while the other three given answers should be wrong.
Exam tip 8
Eliminate wrong answers to increase your chances of picking the correct answer.
Note: You can eliminate wrong answers by holding the curser on them and right click thereby short listing the possible correct answers.Â
Exam tip 9
Please note that sometimes the wrong answer is quite a valid statement, but it is the wrong answer simply because it is either not relevant to the question or the question asked is in negative form (NOT).
Hence, it is very important that you carefully read and understand the question.
Exam tip 10
Some API exam questions contain irrelevant information.
This is not aimed to confuse you but to verify whether you can differentiate between relevant and irrelevant information in an actual scenario.
Exam Tips 11
Some questions are solely based on your experience as an inspector.
API calls them ‘’practical questions’’ or "awareness type of questions".Â
Remember that all certifications require certain level of experience in addition to the education and knowledge.
Exam Tips 12
API intends to verify your understanding of principles and theory; interpretation and evaluation; so mere memorizing the facts and figures of the study materials does not really help.
Exam Tips 13
Although a few questions may come straight from the API study material, most questions are either rephrased or brought within a context or is within a scenario, or the question and answer are swapped.
Hence, it is very important that you have a clear understanding of concepts and fundamentals.
Exam Tips 14
Time management is not normally of great importance but please note that time using the toilet, checking out and in, commenting on any question, reviewing the questions, etc. is coming off your allowance.
For better time management, flag off those questions you are not sure of and revisit them once you have completed all other questions.
Try to eliminate the absolute wrong answers by negative reasoning in order to increase your chances of getting the answer right.
Note: you can see the number of questions you have attempted and the remaining time on top right-hand corner of the computer screen.
Exam Tips 15
Remember that all questions carry equal marks and the minimum passing grade is roughly 70%, so, it is logical to attempt smaller questions quickly and then in the remaining time, try re-attempting those questions that are longer, more complicated, or you are simply stuck spending too much time on a few questions without much progress.
Try to pace your progress against the time, that is, you should be roughly on question number 50 after 1.5 hour or earlier.
Exam Tips 16
Although education can offset for less experience, you should appreciate the fact that unless one does not have real hands-on experience in the field, it would be difficult to ‘’FEEL’ the underlying reasons behind some of the codes, standards and recommended practices.
The experience is gained through observation, power of deduction and it is ultimately, the common sense really.
Exam tip 17
Use common sense. Â Reason it out!Â
It is likely a correct answer to a very easy question.
Exam tip 18
A lot of questions are derived from basics.
Exam Tips 19
Sitting for an exam can be stressful specially for such day long gruesome exam, so, try to sleep early the night before and stop studying on the exam day.
Just peruse the important parts of the reference documents or look at the figures and charts for around half an hour maximum. Let your brain rest.
You need to be alert and full of energy to endure the day long core exam.
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