Equal Opportunities Learner’s Charter

“Everyone has a part to play   in ensuring we achieve equality of opportunity. We believe that a positive attitude towards equality and diversity is right for our people, our clients and our business suppliers. This means that we must encourage all our people to welcome diversity and respect each person’s individuality”.

Moska Maaf Roodpishi; Director

The following Learner Charter has been drawn up stating the standards     of service you can expect to receive as a learner  of Training and Inspection Services Ltd.

Using the Training and Inspection Services Ltd. you can expect:

    to receive a highly quality learning experience

    to be given equal opportunities and treated fairly     to be treated with courtesy

    to have access to advice, guidance and support to ensure your choices are informed
      ones and that your learning needs are met

    to learn in a healthy and  safe environment

    to be provided with timely and appropriate information on your progress

    to have staff listen to any issues, suggestions or concerns you may have, and to
      respond in a relevant manner

In turn; as a customer of Training and Inspection Services Ltd. we would like you to:

    be fully committed to your course

    treat our staff with courtesy

    provide  us  with  appropriate  information  to  help  us  meet  your  learning  and
      assessment needs

    ensure that your behaviour contributes to a healthy and safe environment     abide by any rules specifically relating to online assessment

    communicate issues, suggestions or concerns using the procedures outlined in your
      Student Handbook.


If for any reason you wish   to make a formal complaint, then please    access our formal complaints procedure on the  website or email: help@inspector-training.com.

This policy has been approved & authorised by:

Name: Moska Maaf Roodpishi

Position: Director

Date:10th June 2021


Review of Policy: Biannual

https://inspector-training.com ; 0044 (0) 208 288 1771
163 Robin Hood Way; London SW153QG; United Kingdom