The certification demonstrates that he/she has enough skill and knowledge to perform his/her duties satisfactorily as an NDT technician.
In this module, you shall learn about NDE certifications and responsibilities. Important points are highlighted.
Reference: ASNT SNT-TC-1A; Personnel Qualifications and Certification in Non Destructive Testing, 2020 Edition
You should be familiar with the NDE qualification/certification processes described in ASNT SNT TC-1A, especially what NDE duties / responsibilities can be carried out by Levels I, II, and III NDE technicians.
ASNT = American Society for Non-destructive Testing
SNT-TC-1A = Society for Non-Destructive Testing-Technical Committee- subcommittee No.1A
The SNT-TC-1A subcommittee is responsible for revising SNT-TC-1A guideline, interpreting it and reviewing inquiries.
SNT-TC-1A is an Employer-based program, where employers develop, administer, and grade their own qualification examinations.
In an employer-based system, a person’s certification is terminated when the individual leaves that company. Because of this clause, many NDE technicians have their own limited company with a written practice.
This means they are their own employer legally. This would help them keep their certification when changing jobs.
SNT-TC-1A has three requirements that must be met:
1- The employer shall prepare a written practice or procedure for qualifying and certifying company NDT personnel and shall be responsible for personnel certifications.
This document shall be on file and approved by the employer’s Level III.
Note: Company NDT level III is not necessarily an ASNT certified level III although many clients require the contractor to have an ASNT certified level III, in which case, it becomes a requirement.
ASNT Level III is a person who passed the ASNT level III examination and certified by ASNT on relevant method.
Please note that even an ASNT level III should also be accepted by the company or contractor (written practice) in order to be accepted as a company level III.
2- The employer shall modify SNT-TC-1A as necessary, to ensure the qualification and certification requirements are satisfactory for the NDT work.
Note: Modifications shall not eliminate basic requirement such as training, experience, examination, and recertification.
3- NDE technicians can be re-certified based on evidence of continued satisfactory technical performance only or may required to pass additional examination as deemed fit by the company written practice.
Note: The verb “should” has been used throughout SNT TC 1A to emphasize the recommendations.
It is the employer’s responsibility to address specific needs and to modify the SNT TC 1A guidelines as appropriate in a written practice.
In the employer’s written practice, the verb “shall” is to be used in place of “should” to emphasize the employer’s needs.
NDT has 16 methods such as RT, UT, MT, PT, VT, etc.
Each method has several techniques.
A certification is called limited certification when the NDE technician is authorized to perform a specific technique only.
For example, UT level II (thickness measurement) or RTI which stand for radiographic film interpretation only.
The certification demonstrates that he/she has enough skill and knowledge to perform his/her duties satisfactorily as an NDT technician.
It is a written procedure that is prepared by the employer that detail the:
Candidates should have sufficient education, training, and experience prior to certification:
Table 6.3.1 A lists the recommended training and experience to be considered by the employer for initial qualification of NDT Level I and Level II individuals (For limited certifications, it is Table 6.3.1 B).
Note: A person may be qualified directly to NDT Level II with no time as a certified NDT Level I, provided his/her training and experience consists of the sum of the hours recommended for NDT Level I and Level II.
Administration and grading of examinations for NDT Level I, II, or other Level III personnel should be done by NDT Level III or company representative designated by NDT Level III.
The final grade for NDT Level I and II personnel would be the average of the results of the general, specific, and practical examinations.
The final grade shall be at least 80 percent, with no individual examination having a passing grade less than 70 percent.
Near-Vision Acuity Should be able to read with or without glass, minimum of Jaeger Number 2 (J2) or equivalent from a distance at least 12 inch. The eye test should be done annually.
Color Contrast Differentiate colors or shades of grey. Color contrast test shall be done initially and then every five years or at the time of recertification.
General and specific Written Examination for NDT Levels I & II shall include the basic principles with the minimum number of questions shown in Table 8.3.4.
There are three basic levels of qualification.
NDT Level I. Perform calibrations, and evaluations for acceptance or rejection as written instructions and to record results under supervision from a certified NDT Level II or III individual.
NDT Level II. Set up and calibrate equipment and to interpret, evaluate and report results with respect to applicable codes, standards, and specifications
NDT Level III. Approve procedures, select techniques, interpret codes, standards, specifications, and procedures; responsible for the NDT operations; assist in establishing acceptance criteria; be capable of training and examining NDT Level I, II, and III personnel.
Trainee: While in the process of being initially trained, qualified, and certified, an individual should be considered a trainee. A trainee should work with a certified individual. The trainee should not independently conduct, interpret, evaluate, or report the results of any NDT test.
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