API 1169 Sample Questions | Free Practice Test

API 1169 exam questions

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Question 1 of 46

1. All of the following are the monitoring and reporting duty of Pipeline Inspector except:

Question 1 of 46

Question 2 of 46

2. WPS qualifications and NDE acceptance criteria is brought in:

Question 2 of 46

Question 3 of 46

3. Pressure testing procedure of of pipeline shall be according to:

Question 3 of 46

Question 4 of 46

4. Crossing Company  is  the  one  to  install,  operate  and  maintain  a  new pipeline and who needs owner’s approval of his crossing plan when reached within ----- of existing facility.

Question 4 of 46

Question 5 of 46

5. Owner’s representative shall be present when crossing company is excavating within ----- of existing facility.

Question 5 of 46

Question 6 of 46

6. Due Diligence Corridor is the survey corridor plus:


Question 6 of 46

Question 7 of 46

7. You can excavate up to …….. from existing facility with motorized equipment. After that you should be careful when excavating any closer.

Question 7 of 46

Question 8 of 46

8. Excavation Tolerance Zone is …… from existing facility. This means getting any closer to the existing facility should be by non mechanized equipment.

Question 8 of 46

Question 9 of 46

9. The closest distance between existing facility and new pipeline shall be minimum …...

Question 9 of 46

Question 10 of 46

10. Crossing Angle of New pipe should cross the existing pipe at …. ideally but not less than …..

Question 10 of 46

Question 11 of 46

11. The new pipeline burial depth shall be minimum:

Question 11 of 46

Question 12 of 46

12. What a Plat or a plot of land should show?

Question 12 of 46

Question 13 of 46

13. The purpose of aboveground markers is:

Question 13 of 46

Question 14 of 46

14. Aboveground markers are developed during the design process and include the following except:

Question 14 of 46

Question 15 of 46

15. Pre-bid conferences provide a forum for the contractor, owner, and other interested parties to discuss the following except:

Question 15 of 46

Question 16 of 46

16. A facility owner/operator need only belong to a:

Question 16 of 46

Question 17 of 46

17. The color code for Gas/oil is:

Question 17 of 46

Question 18 of 46

18. The corridor marker indicates:

Question 18 of 46

Question 19 of 46

19. Before excavation, the excavator calls the one call center at least:

Question 19 of 46

Question 20 of 46

20. When the excavation site cannot be clearly and adequately identified on the locate ticket, the excavator designates the route and/or area to be excavated using ….. pre-marking

Question 20 of 46

Question 21 of 46

21. Excavation Tolerance Zone is …… from existing facility. This means getting any closer to the existing facility should be by non mechanized equipment.

Question 21 of 46

Question 22 of 46

22. What is the best definition of cadastral boundries?

Question 22 of 46

Question 23 of 46

23. The inspector's role in Job Safety Analysis (JSA) is to:

Question 23 of 46

Question 24 of 46

24. Which of the the following locations would require more frequent intervals for center line staking?

Question 24 of 46

Question 25 of 46

25. The contractor should be monitored for adherence to their internal requirements, as well as which of the following:

Question 25 of 46

Question 26 of 46

26. Typical monitoring agreements for as-builts include:

Question 26 of 46

Question 27 of 46

27. One aspect of promoting a positive image that is representative of the operator includes:

Question 27 of 46

Question 28 of 46

28. If required by the project due to logistical or environmental restraints, which of the following methods can pipe be installed without a trench?

Question 28 of 46

Question 29 of 46

29. With respect to drying pigs, who provides the specific requirements regarding this task?

Question 29 of 46

Question 30 of 46

30. What should the inspector be capable of with respect to safety meetings?

Question 30 of 46

Question 31 of 46

31. Who defines the inspector's authority to the contractor?

Question 31 of 46

Question 32 of 46

32. With respect to timber and branch removal, burning activities should comply with which of the following?

Question 32 of 46

Question 33 of 46

33. For regulatory agency inspections and visits, which of the following best describes the inspector's responsibility?

Question 33 of 46

Question 34 of 46

34. Which of the following statements best represent code of conduct considerations regarding job responsibilities?

Question 34 of 46

Question 35 of 46

35. What should be done with stumps on the ditch line?

Question 35 of 46

Question 36 of 46

36. What behavior is included in the code of conduct for an inspector?

Question 36 of 46

Question 37 of 46

37. When monitoring blasting, what velocity needs to be measured by the contractor?

Question 37 of 46

Question 38 of 46

38. Who is responsible for setting the requirements for a job safety analysis (JSA)

Question 38 of 46

Question 39 of 46

39. When surveying in high crop areas, how should ROW boundries be marked?

Question 39 of 46

Question 40 of 46

40. What material can be used for road approaches?

Question 40 of 46

Question 41 of 46

41. According to API 1169, which statement best defines operator?

Question 41 of 46

Question 42 of 46

42. Before excavation equipment can pass over a loaded line, which of the following precaustions  must be taken?

Question 42 of 46

Question 43 of 46

43. Which of the following best defines quality?

Question 43 of 46

Question 44 of 46

44. Following pipeline pressure testing, the inspector should confirm:

Question 44 of 46

Question 45 of 46

45. What document lists any special concerns of individual landowners?

Question 45 of 46

Question 46 of 46

46. When clearing wetlands, how should tree stumps be dealt with?

Question 46 of 46



API 1169 pipeline construction inspector certification is designed to qualify individuals who shall be the eyes and ears of the owner/operator company in the pipeline construction field.


Qualified individuals should be knowledgeable about:

  • General onshore pipeline construction inspection
  • Inspector responsibilities
  • Personnel and general pipeline safety
  • Environmental and pollution control


Pipeline Inspector should be monitoring and reporting all aspects of pipeline construction (Survey; Clearing & Grading; stockpiling & Stringing; Field Bending; Ditching & Excavation; Welding; Coating; Lowering-In; Backfilling; Cathodic Protection; Hydrostatic Testing; Clean-up & Restoration) as well as be involved with the contract and agreement, monitor safety and health, environmental aspect  and finally ensure compliance with project specifications. So, the inspector is practically representing the owner in the field. For example, the inspector has the authority to stop the work when there is imminent danger to people or environment.


API RP 1169 defines the inspector as somebody who is qualified to monitor, assess, evaluate, verify, discuss, decide, resolve, report, and document pipeline construction activities to ensure the requirements of the design, drawings, specifications, regulations, and industry practices are being met safely, efficiently, & in an environmentally sound manner.


There are two definite leads to help you understand what type of questions to expect during examination. These are:

  1. API 1169 Pipeline Construction Inspector body of knowledge
  2. Experience of other candidates who attempted the exam




Area of examination


Exam questions are based on the API Recommended Practice 1169 Pipeline Construction Inspector body of knowledge.


  • 10-15 questions shall come from the open book. Nothing complicated or cross referenced, just need to know where to find the information. We suggest flagging them off to be answered at the end since open book questions would need more time to answer than the closed book questions.
  • Most of questions are common sense provided you know various phases of pipeline construction.
  • Around 8 – 10 questions shall come from API Q1 and ISO 9000.
  • Rest of questions are almost equally distributed between remaining reference documents.


[su_box title=”Our suggestion for you” style=”bubbles” box_color=”#0213eb” radius=”10″][su_button url=”https://inspector-training.com/course/api-1169-pipeline-construction-inspector-e-learning-training-course/” style=”3d” background=”#0e76a8″ color=”#ffffff” size=”7″ radius=”10″ icon=”icon: graduation-cap”]API 1169 Pipeline Construction Inspector | Full Course[/su_button] [su_divider top=”no” style=”dashed”] [su_button url=”https://inspector-training.com/course/api-1169-mock-exam-package/” style=”3d” background=”#0e76a8″ color=”#ffffff” size=”7″ radius=”10″ icon=”icon: graduation-cap”]API 1169 Mock Exam Package[/su_button][/su_box]


How the API 1169 exam questions developed? 

A question writing session is periodically conducted by Subject Matter Experts (SME’s), or individuals who specialize in pressure vessels, write questions from specific sections of the Code.  Each question is then checked by three other SME’s.


This validation exercise answers two questions;

  1. Is the question written clearly?
  2. Does the question cover knowledge that is important to a vessel inspector?

These questions then go into a question data-bank as non scored exam questions.


Presently there are over 1000 questions in the data-bank and are grouped by topics.  For each examination, there are 115 questions on the exam pulled from Area of Examination (see above) categories. Only 100 Questions are scored. The remaining 15 are pre-test questions and not marked towards your score, that is, these pre-test questions do not affect your score whether you have answered them correctly or not. API does not tell you which ones these questions are.

API needs to ensure that these questions are not significantly challenged by the candidates and have also been answered by a reasonable number of candidates before adding them to their question bank as scored questions.


No Negative Marking

The pass mark is roughly 70% for all the API examinations. No negative marking is applied. Therefore, make sure that you have answered all the questions. At the end, click the ‘’review all’’ button and peruse through the list to ensure that you have not skipped any question. You can also check ‘’review incomplete questions’’ to ensure there is nothing on the list, that is, no question left unanswered.


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