Inspector Continuous Improvement

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Continuous Improvement:

At the completion of the inspection activities; a PDCA cycle (plan, do, check, act) review is taken as part of a continuous improvement program to determine which activities went well and where improvements should be made.

Any such system improvements should be documented and presented to the inspection manager and coordinator for implementation.


There is also a personal improvement level.  Inspector could self-check by asking himself the following questions:

  • Are there some industry codes and standards that I should be more familiar with?
  • Are there any safety and personal conduct improvements I can make?
  • Can I improve the way I write the various inspection reports?
  • Do I be better prepared? (for example, need to improve my review of project documents) before showing up at the SUPPLIER site)
  • Can I improve the way I conducted the pre-fabrication meeting ? (for example, prepare a tailor made agenda or checklist and turn it around for feedback prior to the meeting)
  • Can I improve the timeliness of closing out my part of the inspection activities? (for example, have a schedule revised periodically, focusing on delayed activities)

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