QA QC & Inspection Management of Packages

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Since we are talking about the management aspect of quality assurance, quality control and inspection, the basic rules remain the same regardless of the type of the package, e.g., bulk material, fixed equipment or rotating equipment.


Initially, the focus would be on quality management: designing quality measures to ensure the product has the required quality at the end, i.e., ensuring the product turns out to be as expected in terms of quality and performance.


During fabrication and manufacturing, the quality assurance aspect takes prominence at first but as fabrication progresses, inspection, which is basically validation of QC activities take prominence.


Finally, during release and package hand over from supplier/vendor to the purchaser/client/owner, we shall have a combination of all the three elements:

  • Reviewing manufacturer record book (MRB) also called manufacturer data book (MDB) that includes all the QC documents (test and examinations procedures and reports, certifications, drawings, design calculations, installation, operation and maintenance manual (IOM) if any and the like); (QA & QC)
  • Implement Inspection and Test Plan performing QC activities stipulated within the ITP (QC).
  • Make sure (verify) the equipment successfully passed the performance test (Inspection)
  • Any unfinished work, missing items, work to be done at site is punch listed (Inspection)
  • Check that the packaging is adequate and include sufficient paper work called dispatch dossier; (QC & Inspection)



Package Team Members

Normally, client forms a team for each package. The focal point for each package is the package engineer who may seek assistance from other engineering disciplines such as electrical, process, mechanical, material, welding, NDE and coating as and when needed.


The package engineer is supported by ‘’procurement’’ department (buyer) and ‘’Quality’’ Department (Quality Engineer or supplier quality surveillance (SQS) engineer) as permanent team members.


The buyer identifies potential manufacturer/supplier/vendor or choose from the approved vendor list (AVL).


The vendors from AVL are those who have been screened before and short listed and approved or vendors who have previously worked for the client and their performance were satisfactory.


Once the pre-bid document is compiled by the buyer and reviewed by the package and quality engineers.


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