API 571 Certification | All you need to know about

API 571 Certification

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In API 571 Certification module you shall learn about:

  • Scoring Area,
  • Exam Structure
  • Important Damage Mechanisms,
  • Check if You Qualified To Take The API 571 Exam,
  • How to Register for API 571 Exam
  • API 571 Certification, Recertification, Rescheduling and Cost
  • and API 571 Exam tips


  • Scoring Area: The API 571 exam is very comprehensive, with 80 difficult questions covering many of the 67 Damage mechanisms


Summary of API 571 Exam Questions

Scoring areaNumber of Questions
Critical Factors30
Description of Damage15
Insp. & Monitoring13
Affected Units/Equip10
Affected Materials4
Appearance or Morphology4
Related Mechanisms2
Total No. of Questions80


If you do not study the above details well in the areas outlined, you will likely not do very well on the exam. It is expected that you can pass the exam (49 out of 70 = 70%) if you:

  • Read API 571 at least three times
  • Follow our flash cards, tips and corrosion atlas
  • Take our 15 sets of mock exams “honestly” and score above 70%+


  • Exam Structure
  • The API 571 exam is 3.25 hours long.
  • There are 80 questions, of which only 70 are scored. The remaining 10 are pre-test, which are not scored.
  • All questions are multiple-choice and closed-book. Paper and reference materials are not allowed into exams.
  • This exam has a set passing scaled score.
  • View the Exam Tutorial using the below link before exam day to familiarize yourself with the format:


The exam tutorial shows how the icons work. You have 10 minutes to read through the tutorial before the exam starts.


  • Important Damage Mechanisms:

API 510/570/653 Exams cover 23 damage mechanisms. Give them great attention.


4.2.3 – Temper Embrittlement.………………………………..…. API 510 only

4.2.7 – Brittle Fracture …….………………………………..……….. API 510/570/653

4.2.9 – Thermal Fatigue ……..…………………………….……… … API 510/570 only

4.2.14 – Erosion/Erosion Corrosion ……..…………………….… API 510/570 only

4.2.16 – Mechanical Fatigue …………………………………………API 510/570/653

Par. 4.2.17 – Vibration-Induced Fatigue ………..………………API 570 only

Par. 4.3.1 – Galvanic Corrosion …………..…………………………API 570 only

Par. 4.3.2 – Atmospheric Corrosion ……………………………..……API 510/570/653

Par. 4.3.3 – Corrosion under Insulation (CUI) ………………….……API 510/570/653

Par. 4.3.4 – Cooling Water Corrosion ………………….……………… API 510 only

Par. 4.3.5 – Boiler Water Condensate Corrosion .…………………API 510/570 only

Par. 4.3.7 – Flue Gas Dew Point Corrosion……..………………….… API 570 only

Par. 4.3.8 – Microbiologically Induced Corrosion (MIC) …………API 570/653 only

Par. 4.3.9 – Soil Corrosion ………………………………………………………API 570/653 only

Par. 4.3.10 – Caustic Corrosion ……………………………………………….API 510/653 only

Par. 4.4.2 – Sulfidation …………………………………………………………… API 510/570 only

Par. 4.5.1 – Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking (ClSCC)…………. . API 510/570/653

Par. 4.5.2 – Corrosion Fatigue ………………….………………………………API 510 only

Par. 4.5.3 – Caustic Stress Corr. Cracking (Caustic Embrittlement).API 510/570/653

Par. – Sulfuric Acid Corrosion………….…………………………….. API 653 only

Par. – Wet H²S Damage (Blistering/HIC/SOHIC/SCC)………… API 510 only

Par. – High Temperature Hydrogen Attack (HTTA) …………… API 510/570 only


Are You Qualified To Take The API 571 Exam?

If you hold a current API 510, 570 or 653 certification, you automatically qualify to take the API 571 Corrosion and Materials certification exam.


If you do not hold a current API 510, 570 or 653 certification, then qualification is based on a combination of your level of education and industry experience acquired within the last 10 years.


Prior to submitting an application, please use the table below to determine if you qualify to take the API 571 exam. The minimum experience required MUST be documented on your application.


EducationYears of ExperienceExperience Required
BS or higher in engineering or technology1 yearAny experience in the petrochemical industry
2-year degree or certificate in engineering or technology2 yearsAny experience in the petrochemical industry
High school diploma or equivalent3 yearsAny experience in the petrochemical industry
No formal education5 or more yearsAny experience in the petrochemical industry



  • How to Register for API 571 Exam
  • API examinations are divided into two main groups: core exams (API 510, 570, 653) and others (API 571, 571, 580, 936, TES, 1169, SIFE, SIRE).
  • All API examinations held 3 times a year and each API certification has‘’ Two weeks exam window’’ that you can should choose from at the time of registration.
  • The deadline to get API authorization email is approximately 2.5 months or 10 weeks prior to the selected test window.
  • To get the API approval in order to sit for a particular test, file the application form by registering with API ICP using below link:


https://www.api.org/products-and-services/individual-certification-programs/apply ;


Then upload the supporting documents (your qualification & certification); provide two references & pay the fee.

  • API shall verify your claimed experience by contacting (via email) the two references you have provided. It is recommended to brief your references, so they know which inspection fields and for how long you have claimed the experience for. This would avoid any discrepancy that may result from your claimed experience against their verification.
  • After registration and approval by API, you can select a location, date and time at a Prometric test centre. Prometric is subcontracted by API to hold the computer-based examinations.
  • There are more than 3000 Prometric testing centers worldwide to choose from. All Prometric testing centers operate on the first-come-first-served basis. Therefore, API cannot promise that you will be able to obtain a seat at your preferred location. It is highly recommended that you may schedule your exam immediately after receiving your ‘’Exam Authorization Notice’’ email from API. If seats are not available, try a different date within the same window, or choose another location.
  • Please note that, during registration with API, you are required to select one of the available ‘’3 weeks’ time window’’. Once the time window selected, you cannot change it which means you can only attempt the exam within the selected ‘’3 weeks window’’ unless you decide to reschedule and pay the fees which is as good as failing the exam. Remember, no show and failing to book a seat or even inability to book a seat at your preferred test centre is as good as failing the exam itself. Note: Currently due to covid-19; you can attempt the exam from the comfort of your home or office.
  • Although the deadline to get your application approved prior to your selected test window is around 2.5 months, you might not be able to find a suitable available date or worse, you might not be able to get a seat at your favorite test centre within the allocated ‘’3 week window’’ if your approval (API authorization email) is received late. So, it is recommended that you register and get API approval (API Exam Authorization Notice email) around 6 months prior to your scheduled exam; that is; do not choose the next immediate test window but choose the one that is 5-6 months away or at least 3-4 months away. This is especially important for core API exams that need a full day slot. For other API exams such as API 571, there is normally a good chance of getting the convenient test location and date at the next available test window.
  • You can change the location and the date (within the allocated 3 weeks window) up to 30 days before the last day of test window free of charge and between 5-29 days for a fee of USD 70 $ subject to availability. Normally, it is possible to change the time and location for API 571.
  • API gives each candidate 12 consecutive months to pass an exam beginning from the first scheduled test window. This means you can attempt an exam for a maximum of 4 If you do not pass the exam within a year for any reason such as failure in exam, fail to schedule the exam, no show up at the scheduled date, etc., you have to apply all over again and pay the full fees.
  • If you fail the initial exam, you need to apply for rescheduling and pay $150 re-examinations. After requesting for rescheduling and paying the fee, you shall receive the approval letter via email within a day or two. You shall then book your seat with the Prometric as soon as possible.
  • One of our trainees received the API Exam Authorization Notice for API 570 seven months before the selected test window; but he attempted to book a place with Prometric only two months before the test window. As a result, his closest Prometric centre (London) was already full, so, he had to fly to Amsterdam Prometric test centre to attend the exam. Therefore, it is strongly recommend that you book your place as soon as you receive the API authorization notice. Note: Currently due to covid-19; you can attempt the exam from the comfort of your home or office.
  • API 571 Certification, Recertification, Rescheduling and Cost
  • API 571 certification is valid for a three-year term and exam cost $ 365.
  • After 3 years, you need to apply for recertification demonstrating that you still work as an API inspector for 20% of the time. Recertification cost $ 260.
  • You may apply for recertification 90 days prior to the certification expiration date, and for a 90-day grace period after. If an application is not submitted by the end of the 90-day grace period, the certification will expire. A new application and fees must be submitted, and you will need to pass a full examination in order to be recertified.
  • API inspectors are required to take an on-line, open book quiz every six years in order to recertify. Each quiz has 25 questions that address the changes in the relevant API codes over the past six years. You have a total of four hours to complete the quiz, and it may be paused or interrupted up to three times. If you fail the quiz once, you will be able to take it again. If you fail the quiz a second time, you will not be able to recertify. You will need to submit a new application and take the full version of the exam in order to certify again.
  • What you shall expect on Exam Day
  • Make sure you reach the Prometric test centre at least half an hour before the scheduled time. If you reach the test centre 15 minutes after the exam, they may refuse to admit you. Note: Currently due to covid-19; you can attempt the exam from the comfort of your home or office.
  • Prior to letting you in to sit for the exam; they shall check your photographic government ID (such as valid Passport or Driving License), ask you to sign in; check you with a metal detector; ask you to turn up your sleeves and trousers; check your pockets; look at your reading glasses to ensure it does not have any camera, ask you a security question (DOB, email address) and take your picture. Note: Currently due to covid-19; you can attempt the exam from the comfort of your home or office.
  • You cannot carry anything with you except a bottle of water. No ornaments are allowed except a wedding ring. They shall supply you with a couple of green colour A4 size papers and a pencil for taking notes plus a simple calculator. You are required to have a valid government issued photo identity card such as a passport or a driving license and keep it with yourself during the examination.
  • If you don’t produce a government photo ID card at the Prometric test centre, you shall be refused entry and it is treated as a ‘’no show up’’ which is as good as failing the exam. Also, make sure your government issued photo ID (driving license, passport) is valid. If your ID is expired, you shall be refused entry.
  • During API 653 exam, one of our candidates had an expired driving license and was refused entry although he returned half an hour later with a valid passport but by that time it was too late, Prometric said. As a result, he had to pay the rescheduling fee (USD 300 $) and appear for the exam 6 months later. It is recommended to check your photo ID to ensure it is valid and preferably carry two valid government issued photo ID as plan B. It is simply not worth it to be refused for an ID issue after all the time, effort and money you have put in.
  • Prior to the examination, you shall be given the key to a locker to keep your belongings. You are not allowed to use the locker until you have completed the exam. Note: Currently due to covid-19; you can attempt the exam from the comfort of your home or office.
  • Immediately, upon completion of the exam, you shall receive an email notifying you whether you have passed or failed. Your preliminary exam result may be a ’’ preliminary pass’’ which is normally a pass; a ‘’marginal result’’ (too close to call; may be a pass if you are lucky) and a ’’preliminary fail’’ which is normally a fail.
  • You shall receive your confirmed score up to 8 weeks after the last day of 3 weeks examination window, sometime sooner. It takes another 6-8 weeks after receipt of confirmed score for the certification and the wallet card to arrive by post.
  • The pass mark is 70% for all the API examinations. No negative marking is applied, therefore, answer all the questions. At the end, click the ‘’review all’’ button and peruse through the list to ensure that you have not skipped any question.
  • You can challenge any question you may wish, by writing on its comment sheet but please note that the clock keeps running so you shall be spending the time to fill in the comment sheet from your allocated examination time.
  • After ID verification, security check and letting you into the examination room, you will first go through the tutorial which last for maximum 10 minutes or earlier if you press ‘end session button’’, and then the actual exam begins and the clock start ticking. You can see the remaining time at the right-hand corner of the computer screen. Note: Currently due to covid-19; you can attempt the exam from the comfort of your home or office.
  • Remember, if during the examination, you wish to leave the examination room for say, using the toilet, you need to take your ID with you, report to the security outside the examination room and sign out. On return, you shall go through the same initial security check and sign in. During all this time, the clock is running. Note: Currently due to covid-19; you can attempt the exam from the comfort of your home or office.
  • Sitting for an exam can be stressful, so, try to have enough sleep the night before; on the exam day, just peruse the important parts of the reference documents or look at the figures and charts for a couple of hours maximum. Let your brain rest. You need to be alert and full of energy to endure the exam.
  • Remember your exam is not concluded until your time is up or when you press the ‘end exam’ button which asks for confirmation to ensure that you have not pressed it accidentally. You shall also see the list of attempted and non-attempted questions at the end by pressing the ‘’review all’’ button. This would ensure that you have not left any question unanswered.
  • There is a frequently asked question (FAQ) in the Prometric web site. https://www.prometric.com/test-owners/frequently-asked-questions
  • There is a tutorial prior to exam that explains how the bottoms work. You can also find the tutorial via this link
  • The exam would automatically start after the 10 minutes allocated time for tutorial or if you end it earlier. The icons are simple and user friendly. Remember that you can flag off those questions you are not sure of so you can return to them during the remaining time. You can also right click on selected answers to eliminate them if you are confident that they are definitely the wrong answers. This will narrow down the possible right answers and therefore increases you chance of getting the right answer. You can either review all the questions once again or review the flagged off questions only during any remaining time left.
  • You can see the remaining time at the upper right-hand corner of the screen. There are a few good tutorials in the API ICP (Individual Certification Program) website.
  • Remember that the clock does not stop for any reason once you start the test, for example, when you use the bathroom or when you wish to make a comment on a particular question or for any other reason, so use the allocated time wisely. The allocated time seems to be more than enough to answer all the questions as well as review them.


API 571 – Corrosion & Materials

API 571 is suitable for highly specialized inspectors, corrosion engineers, chemical engineers and other professionals across the entire petrochemical industry to obtain the API 571 Corrosion and Materials certification as a validation of their profound knowledge of corrosion processes.

The API 571 certification will add significant value to your professional credentials, demonstrating to your employers and clients that you have obtained a high level of proficiency and understanding in this important field.

  • Exam Tips
  • Exam tip 1: There is no negative marking; therefore, it is advisable to answer all the questions. You can increase your chances by narrowing down the possible correct answers by striking off the obvious wrong choices. During the exam, hold the mouse on possible wrong answers and right click. This would strike them off helping you to concentrate on the remaining possible answers.


  • Exam tip 2: All API questions are multi choice (4 possible answers). API never uses terms such as ‘’ none of the above’ or ‘all of the above’ as possible answer.


  • Exam tip 3: Remember that all questions carry equal mark. For example, a simple question asking for symbol of Magnesium (Mg) or Manganese (Mn) has equal mark as that of a half a page long question. Although, time management should not be an issue because the exam is 3.25 hours or 195 minutes long for 80 questions, that is, an average of 2.5 minutes per question. Nevertheless, before ending the exam, you may wish to keep the pace and also allow some time for reviewing all the questions once again or at least that question that you are in doubt.  Hence, it is recommended to flag off those questions that are taking considerable time and come back to them at the end. Note: there is a flag off bottom below each question.


  • Exam tip 4: When solving the doubtful questions, try to understand as why a particular answer may be right while the other three given answers should be wrong. Eliminate wrong answers to increase your chances of picking the correct answer.


  • Exam tip 5: Please note that sometimes the wrong answer is quite a valid statement, but it is the wrong answer simply because it is either not relevant to the question or the question asked is in negative form (NOT). Hence, it is very important that you carefully read and understand the question.


  • Exam tip 6: Some exam API questions contain irrelevant information. This is not aimed to confuse you but to verify whether you can differentiate between relevant and irrelevant information in an actual scenario.


  • Exam Tips 7: Some questions are solely based on your experience as an inspector. Remember that all certifications require certain level of experience in addition to the education and knowledge. We shall provide picture and videos to enhance your field experience.


  • Exam Tips 8: API intends to verify your understanding of principles and theory; interpretation and evaluation; so mere memorizing the facts and figures of the study materials does not really help.


  • Exam Tips 9: Although a few questions may come straight from the API study material, most questions are either rephrased or brought within a context or in a scenario or the question and answer are swapped. Hence, it is very important that you have a clear understanding of fundamentals.


  • Exam Tips 10: Time management is not normally of great importance since The API 571 exam is 3.25 hours long to answer 80 questions, of which only 70 are scored. The remaining 10 are pre-test, which are not scored. These questions are shuffled so you won’t know which questions are scored and which one not scored. This leaves you with approximately 2.5 minutes or 146 seconds maximum. Please note that time using the toilet, checking out and in, commenting on any question, reviewing the questions, etc. is coming off your allowance. For better time management, flag off those questions you are not sure of and revisit them once you have completed all other questions. Try to eliminate the absolute wrong answers by negative reasoning in order to increase your chances of getting the answer right.

Note: you can see the number of questions you have attempted and the remaining time on top right-hand corner of the computer screen.

  • Exam Tips 11: Remember that all questions carry equal marks and the minimum passing grade is around 70%, so, it is logical to attempt smaller questions quickly and then in the remaining time, try re-attempting those questions that are longer, more complicated, or you are simply stuck spending too much time on it without any progress.


  • Exam Tips 12: Although education can offset for less experience, you should appreciate the fact that unless one does not have real hands-on experience in the field, it would be difficult to ‘’FEEL’ the underlying reasons behind some of the codes, standards and recommended practices. The experience is gained through observation, power of deduction and is eventually a common sense really. To complement you experience, we shall provide several video clips and illustration to enhance your field experience.

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