API 653 Sample Questions | Free Practice Test

API 653 exam questions

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Question 1 of 20

1. Welders shall be qualified in accordance with.

Question 1 of 20

Question 2 of 20

2. Upon completion of welding of the new tank bottom, the welds shall be inspected by which one of the following methods?

Question 2 of 20

Question 3 of 20

3. The minimum thickness of tank bottom annular ring plate with no provision of leak detection shall not be less than:

Question 3 of 20

Question 4 of 20

4. Maximum thickness of shell plates shall be ___ mm

Question 4 of 20

Question 5 of 20

5. A double-welded butt weld is ______.

Question 5 of 20

Question 6 of 20

6. Openings in tank shells with larger than _____ inch nozzle shall be reinforced.

Question 6 of 20

Question 7 of 20

7. Annular bottom plates shall have a radial width that provides at least _____inches between the inside of the shell and any lap- welded joint in the remainder of the bottom.

Question 7 of 20

Question 8 of 20

8. The acceptability of welds examined by radiography shall be judged by:

Question 8 of 20

Question 9 of 20

9. Annular bottom plates must extend a minimum of _______ inches outside the tank shell.

Question 9 of 20

Question 10 of 20

10. The maximum operating temperature for tanks constructed to API 650 (not including appendices) is _______.

Question 10 of 20

Question 11 of 20

11. Who is responsible for compliance with the API 650 standards?

Question 11 of 20

Question 12 of 20

12. A new tank is under construction. How many radiographs are required on the first course vertical welds if the shell is 35 mm thick?

Question 12 of 20

Question 13 of 20

13. Repairs of defects shall not be attempted on a tank that is filled with _____ or on a tank that has contained ____ until the tank has been emptied, cleaned and gas freed in a safe manner.

Question 13 of 20

Question 14 of 20

14. Reinforcing plates of shell penetrations shall be given a(n) ________ test, in accordance with API Standard 650.

Question 14 of 20

Question 15 of 20

15. Ultrasonic method of examination shall be in accordance with ______.

Question 15 of 20

Question 16 of 20

16. The columns shall be effectively guided at their bases to prevent__________.

Question 16 of 20

Question 17 of 20

17. An appendix becomes a requirement only when.

Question 17 of 20

Question 18 of 20

18. Shell plates with thickness over 40mm (1.5 inch) shall:

Question 18 of 20

Question 19 of 20

19. The client has requested the top course of a tank to be 1/2 thick. The maximum thickness of all the other courses is 3/8 thick.

Question 19 of 20

Question 20 of 20

20. Each welder making welds on a tank shall be certified by the _______.

Question 20 of 20



How the API 653 exam questions developed? 

A question writing session is periodically conducted by Subject Matter Experts (SME’s), or individuals who specialize in pressure vessels, write questions from specific sections of the Code.  Each question is then checked by three other SME’s.


This validation exercise answers two questions;

  1. Is the question written clearly?
  2. Does the question cover knowledge that is important to a vessel inspector?

These questions then go into a question data-bank as non scored exam questions.


Presently there are over 1000 questions in the data-bank and are grouped by topics.  For each examination, there are 170 questions on the exam pulled from Area of Examination (see below). Only 140 Questions are scored. The remaining 30 are pre-test questions and not marked towards your score, that is, these pre-test questions do not affect your score whether you have answered them correctly or not. API does not tell you which ones these questions are.

API needs to ensure that these questions are not significantly challenged by the candidates and have also been answered by a reasonable number of candidates before adding them to their question bank as scored questions.


Publications Effectivity Sheet & Body of knowledge

Publications effectivity sheet is the list of applicable reference documents that you need to study for the exam. It also tells you which sections of each document are applicable. It can be revised from time to time when the codes and recommended practices or their addendum are revised and becomes applicable. Red texts indicate a revision or a change from the previous API Effectivity Sheet.


Body of knowledge also list the reference codes and recommended practices (without revision number) and elaborates on topics that a pressure vessel inspector needs to know giving examples. It shows what you are expected to know.


From time to time, API conducts a Job Analysis to re-evaluate the API 653 exam to ensure that it remains relevant and continues to focus on the inspectors’ core competencies. As a part of this process, the publication effectivity sheet and body of knowledge is revised. For example, API 653 Publications Effectivity Sheet applicable for exams to be held on November 2021, March 2022, and July 2022 has some of reference materials revised (shown in red).


Number of Exam Questions per Code and RP

As per API Publication Effectivity Sheet or reference material for API-653 exam, there are 4 codes (API 650 & 653 standard & ASME Codes V & IX) and 6 Recommended Practices (571, 575, 576, 577, 651 & 652) prescribed for examination.


There will be about 70-75 test questions directly from API 653.  API 653 has about 150 pages to study, which is an average of more than one question for every two page.  The remaining 85-90 questions will come from some 2000 pages contained in the other documents.


[su_box title=”Our suggestion for you” style=”bubbles” box_color=”#0213eb” radius=”10″][su_button url=”https://inspector-training.com/course/api-653-aboveground-storage-tank-inspector/” style=”3d” background=”#0e76a8″ color=”#ffffff” size=”7″ radius=”10″ icon=”icon: graduation-cap”]API 653 Storage Tank Inspector | Full Course[/su_button] [su_divider top=”no” style=”dashed”] [su_button url=”https://inspector-training.com/course/api-653-mock-exam-package/” style=”3d” background=”#0e76a8″ color=”#ffffff” size=”7″ radius=”10″ icon=”icon: graduation-cap”]API 653 Mock Exam Package[/su_button][/su_box]


CodeApproximate Percentage %
API 653 Code &API 57550-55
ASME Sec IX & API 57710-15
ASME Sec. V10-15
API RP 5715-7
API Std. 6504-5
API RP 651 & 6524-5
Gen. Knowledge2-3
API RP 5762


Below table shows area of examination versus maximum number of exam questions and should give you a fair idea of how important each part of Body of Knowledge is.


Area of Examination                     Maximum No. of Questions

Content Area Your                                  Maximum Score

Scope and General Application of 653                              5

Corrosion Mitigation                                                                15

Repairs                                                                                  15

NDE                                                                                        15

(Procedures, limitations, advantages, techniques, responsibilities, applications)

Welding                                                                                 15

Design                                                                                   10

Planning                                                                                20

Inspection and Testing Practices                                      15

Data Evaluation                                                                   24

Roles and Responsibilities                                                   6

Total Score                                                                            140

Add another 30 non scored questions that are distributed across the topics.


No Negative Marking

The pass mark is roughly 70% (minimum 400 on a maximum scale of 500) for all the API examinations. No negative marking is applied. Therefore, make sure that you have answered all the questions. At the end, click the ‘’review all’’ button and peruse through the list to ensure that you have not skipped any question. You can also check ‘’review incomplete questions’’ to ensure there is nothing on the list, that is, no question left unanswered

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