Inspection Report shall be written on a template in order to standardize the reporting system.
Inspection report normally has sections for:
- vendor details,
- Â reference document (QC procedures, drawings and specially);
- description of what activity witnessed or inspected and the result;
- Â any NCR issued;
- any safety issues observed and the like.
Normally, examination and test reports are attached to the inspection report.
Remember to treat an inspection report as a standalone report, that is, the report shall be concise yet detailed enough without any ambiguity.
Report Writing is a key deliverable of inspection.
Inspection report normally includes the following information:
- Date of visit
- contract number and key information such a package name, equipment serial number, name of supplier, location
- Purpose of visit
- Areas of concern
- Results of inspection or surveillance
- Reference drawings, document and data used and revision number
- ITP activity number
- Any NCR, SOR or deviation