For less complex packages such as bulk materials and off the shelf components, we need very few documents such as certificate of compliance (Cf C) or material test report (MTR). However, for criticality “1” and “2” equipment …
Deviation Request: During bidding stage, the potential supplier should notify the client of any deviations requested by providing the reason for deviation. These deviations if accepted; shall constitute part of the purchase order. Concession request: Concession means …
Each package is assigned a criticality rating; ranging from 1 through 4, with criticality ‘’1’’ being the highest. There are several factors for assigning the criticality rating but the most important ones are: Whether the package is long …
Prepare a Cost Time Report (CTR) for each package to calculate the budget in terms of inspection man days required during manufacturing. You can use equipment criticality to assign a factor for calculating man days. For example, for …
As potential supplier’s proposal are received, they are reviewed by: procurement (to see whether the supplier is capable of producing the equipment and material within the expected delivery schedule and also compare quoted price against other suppliers). …
Short listed bidders are invited for a face to face meeting with the client called bid clarification meeting or pre-purchase meeting at client’s premises. The intention of such meeting is: To explain what is wanted from the supplier and …
Audit & Assessment Depending on the criticality and complexity of the materials & equipment procured, the CLIENT may conduct out a pre-award audit or assessment of CONTRACTOR or VENDOR and any subcontractor. The purpose of such assessment is …